Tuesday 26 November 2013

U.S. bombers fly over China’s new airspace zone

U.S. B-52 bombers fly over disputed islands in the East China Sea during training mission, defying new territorial claims laid out by Beijing.

Two US B-52 bombers flew over a disputed area of the East China Sea without notifying Beijing on Nov. 26, despite China's bid to create an expanded "air defense zone," U.S. officials said.
Two US B-52 bombers flew over a disputed area of the East China Sea without notifying Beijing on Nov. 26, despite China's bid to create an expanded "air defense zone," U.S. officials said.
WASHINGTON—Two U.S. B-52 bombers flew over disputed islands in the East China Sea during a training mission Tuesday, defying new territorial claims laid out by Beijing over the weekend, according to several U.S. officials.
The two unarmed bombers took off from Guam and were in the zone for less than an hour, the officials said, adding the aircraft encountered no problems.
While the U.S. insisted the training mission was long-planned, and not in reaction to China’s latest declaration, it came just days after China issued a map and a new set of rules governing the zone, which includes a cluster of islands that are controlled by Japan but also claimed by Beijing.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not specifically comment Tuesday on the military flights. But he told reporters travelling with President Barack Obama in Los Angeles that, “It continues to be our view that the policy announced by the Chinese over the weekend is unnecessarily inflammatory and has a destabilizing impact on the region.”
The U.S. mission took place between about midnight Monday and 3 a.m. EST, midday local time, said the officials, who requested anonymity. The flights were first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
China’s move to further assert its territorial claims over the islands is not expected to immediately spark confrontations with foreign aircraft.
Yet the move fits a pattern of putting teeth behind China’s claims and could potentially lead to dangerous encounters depending on how vigorously China enforces it — and how cautious it is when intercepting aircraft from Japan, the U.S. and other countries.
While enforcement is expected to start slowly, Beijing has a record of playing the long game, and analysts say they anticipate a gradual scaling-up of activity.
The declaration seems to have flopped as a foreign policy gambit. Analysts say Beijing may have miscalculated the forcefulness and speed with which its neighbours rejected its demands.
At least in the short term, the move undermines Beijing’s drive for regional influence, said Bonnie Glaser, an Asia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
“It doesn’t serve Chinese interests to have tensions with so many neighbours simultaneously,” she said.
But Beijing has shown no sign of backing down, just as it has continued to aggressively enforce its island claims in the South China Sea over the strong protests from its neighbours.
Tensions remain high with Tokyo over islands in the East China Sea called Senkaku by Japan and Daioyu by China.
Chinese and Japanese coast guard ships have regularly confronted each other in surrounding waters. Japan further angered Beijing last month by threatening to shoot down unmanned Chinese drones that Beijing says it plans to send on surveillance missions over the islands.