Monday 25 March 2019

Try this at home for stopping nosebleeds

Most nosebleeds occur when a blood vessel in the nose’s soft cartilage leaks. These are called anterior nosebleeds. Posterior nosebleeds come from blood vessels higher up in the nose.

It makes sense to treat every nosebleed as if it is an anterior one, and to try to stop it at home. You will be right 94% of the time, says Dr. Mary Pickett, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School.

A good, strong pinch in the right place will often do the trick. Here’s what Dr. Pickett recommends for stopping nosebleeds. (I also asked my colleague, Dr. Howard LeWine, to demonstrate the technique. See the video below.)

  •     Nod your head forward. This prevents the flow of blood from going down the back of your throat.
  •     Place your thumb on one side of your nose and your forefinger on the other side, up near the bridge. Slowly slide them down to the sudden “drop off” where the bones give way to cartilage.
  •     Pinch your thumb and forefinger together, and hold. The pinch should be far enough back on the sides of your nose that you can easily wiggle your nose with those pinching fingers.
  •     Pinch with enough pressure to press both sides of your nose firmly against the septum—the cartilage in the middle of your nose. The tissue on either side of the nose puts pressure on the bleeding blood vessel, which is usually on the septum.
  •     If the bleeding slows or stops, you are pinching in the right place. If not, start over, and pinch lower or higher,
  •     Hold the pinch for a minimum of five minutes before you release. You may need to repeat this again for another five-minute session. 

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The Autoimmune Fix - Tom O'Bryan

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Bệnh tự miễn - autoimmunity - là từ để chỉ các bệnh sinh ra do sự rối loạn xảy ra tại Hệ miễn dịch trong cơ thể con người có chức năng bảo vệ, chống lại sự xâm nhập của vi khuẩn và bệnh tật. Lúc đó hệ miễn dịch lại xem chính các tế bào nào đó của cơ thể là các kháng nguyên lạ nên quay ra tấn công chúng.

Bệnh tự miễn là loại bệnh phổ biến đứng hàng thứ 3 sau ung thư và bệnh tim mạch ở Mỹ; xấp xỉ 5 – 8% hoặc chừng 14 – 22 triệu người mắc bệnh. Bệnh tự miễn có thể xảy ra mỗi cơ quan của cơ thể gồm các tuyến nội tiết, mô liên kết, đường tiêu hoá, tim, da, và thận.

Xin chuyển tới các cụ cuốn sách hữu ích sau đây về Bệnh tự miễn - Autoimmunity để nghiên cứu.

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Do you have crud in the blood?

Millions of people suffer from autoimmunity whether they know it or not. The root cause of most weight gain, brain and mood problems, and fatigue, autoimmunity can take years—or even decades—for symptoms and a clear diagnosis to arise. Through years of research, Dr. Tom O’Bryan has discovered that autoimmunity is actually a spectrum, and many people experiencing general malaise are already on it. And while autoimmune diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and lupus, have become the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer, many people affected are left in the dark.

The good news is that many autoimmune conditions can be reversed through a targeted protocol designed to heal the autoimmune system, 70 percent of which is located in the gut. The Autoimmune Fix includes two comprehensive 3-week plans: In the first 3 weeks, you’ll follow a Paleo-inspired diet during which you cut out gluten, sweets, and dairy—the three primary culprits behind autoimmunity. Once the dietary changes have been addressed, The Autoimmune Fix focuses on the other causes of autoimmunity such as genetics, other dietary issues, and microbiome. The Autoimmune Fix provides a practical and much-needed guide to navigating these increasingly common conditions to help you feel better and develop a plan that works for you.

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