Wednesday 19 March 2014

Chiến-Dịch Đòi Thay-Đổi World Cup 2018 ở Nga

I cannot thank you enough for your tremendous support thus far. There is more momentum then I could ever imagine. But, as of today, this petition has taken on more than just the World Cup. Russia has stormed a Ukrainian base and has killed an official in what is surely the first shots in a war blatantly initiated by the Russian Federation.
With your support, I want to spread word of this petition and put FIFA to the sword to make a statement on these events. No country that acts in this manner can be given international credibility by hosting the world and it's biggest event in it's country.
Tomorrow, please share this petition on your various social media forms: Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, whatever. Let's shoot to gain 50,000 signatures. These actions have gone without a single warning from FIFA. Use the phrase: #MoveWC2018 when posting. Thank you all.
Keep it going!