Wednesday 4 October 2017

Dwell On This

It was an incredible level of premeditation that you don’t normally see, and it is difficult to believe that a single person could have done this without detection,”                       
A retired 64 year old multimillionaire who spends his days traveling to Vegas and Dubai with his Asian girlfriend for gambling, lives in a half million dollar house, is a pilot who owns two airplanes, and hunts big game in Alaska, decides to commit a mass shooting at a Jason Aldean concert and then commit suicide when the cops arrive. He has no military experience.
He manages to exquisitely plan his attack. He books two connecting rooms that offer multiple firing positions overlooking the concert months in advance while his girlfriend just happens to book a trip to the Philippines at the same time. He books them in her name so that his name, as a big time gambler, won't trigger the casino's computer and give him comps and draw attention to him. He acquires automatic weapons somehow and knows enough to put tripods and optics on them. He moves it all up to the hotel room three days in advance and keeps it hidden from housekeeping. He brings a tool to smash the windows instead of shooting through them. He does enough recon on site to realize they close all of the entrances to the concert area but one at 10 so he starts shooting at just after 10 so people have fewer exits to escape through.
He even thinks of perimeter security and sets up GoPros connected to a tablet so he can watch for the police to arrive. 
Then he starts shooting. At this point, despite such detailed planning, he starts making mistakes. He sustains fire until the drum is empty instead of firing controlled bursts, degrading the effectiveness of his fire. He only has one drum and then has to switch to 30 round magazines. That means more time reloading and less time shooting. His room is too high up which increases distance to target and makes his fire more plunging than grazing and degrading its effectiveness.
He doesn't know how to use an automatic weapon: how can someone who knows nothing about something so fundamental be able to plan the rest of the operation in such precise detail?