From: Mong-Lam <>
Anh Sơn thân mến.
Xin gửi anh 2 bài viết. Bài số một là một vài cảm nghĩ cá nhân. Còn bài số 2 là bài tôi viết với một anh bạn. Nguyên do là mấy đứa con tôi khi thấy tôi có nhiều bạn bè ở nhiếù nơi trên thế giới quá, hỏi tôi : tại sao bố và các bác đi lung tung như thế. Mấy đứa con tôi đều sinh sau 1975, ở nước ngoài, tiếng Việt thì ăn nói ngập ngọng, đọc thỉ chỉ hiểu nổi cái thực đơn của một nhà hàng VN là cùng, nên chúng tôi buộc lòng phải viết tiếng Pháp, cho chúng nó có thể hiểu tại sao chúng tôi bị tản mát ra nhiều nơi trên trái đất như thế. Chúng tôi cũng viết bài này để chào nừng Đại Hội sắp tới của CHU VAN AN toàn cầu sẽ họp tại Texas, tháng 10 sắp tới. Anh Hà Đức Long là một Cưu CVA, hội trưởng hội CVA bên đó. Anh xem có thuận tiện thì cho đăng, Cám ơn anh.
Thế Kẹt của các Hội Đoàn !!!
Các anh làm gì thì làm, hãy nghĩ tới bọn này còn kẹt lại.
Đó là lòi yêu cầu của một người bạn cũ hiện còn đang sống tại Sài Gòn gửi gấm cho một ban lãnh đạo của một hội ái hữn cựu học sinh trường trung học X .
Hiện nay các hội ái hữu cựu học sinh, sinh viên, hội đồng hương tỉnh này, tỉnh nọ mọc lên như nấm tại hải ngoại. Một cập vợ chồng có thể là thành viên của 4, 5 hội ái hữu là thường , thí dụ như Trưng Vương, Chu Văn An, Luật Khoa, Dược Khoa, Cần Thơ, Quãng Ngãi....v.v tuy chỉ có 2 người.
Đã có hội, thì phải có đại hội, phải có đặc san, phải có hội ngộ, phải có Gala, Du lịch...v.v
Việc làm đó, rất tốt, nhất là khi chúng ta đã già rồi, còn gặp nhau được mấy lần, kẻ ở Âu Châu, người ở Mỹ Châu, Úc Châu. Kẻ ở Hải Ngoại, người trong nước ¡!! Than ôi, chẳng có nước nào trên thế giới gặp phải cảnh như đất nước chúng ta.
Các anh làm gì thì làm, hãy nhớ là bọn này còn kẹt lại.
Thế là bảo nhau : Thôi, xếp cái chuyện Chính Trị lại, để thằng X, thằng Y nó có thể sang gặp anh em. Thế là xếp cờ, xếp quạt, xấp chánh trị, chánh em, tuy ngày xưa xuất thân tại một cái trường mà môn chính trị rất quan trọng, không kém Académie des sciences morales et politiques của Pháp.
Những thành viên của các nhóm đó tuy bất mãn với chế độ độc tài dã man bên nhà, không đếm xỉa gì đến nhân quyền, đến các quyền tự do cơ bản của người dân, muốn lên tiếng nhưng kẹt... vì 2 lý do :
1) Các anh làm gì thì làm, hãy nghĩ đến những người còn kẹt lại.
2) Các anh ra khỏi vòng rồi, không còn nguy hiểm, nói gì mà chả được, giỏi sao không về nước mà nói.
Thế là lại phải thôi, lại phải xếp bút.
Cho đến một ngày:
Người Tây Tạng tự thiêu đến người thứ 127.
Các đứa trẻ bằng tuổi cháu (chứ không phải con), ngay ở trong nước, lên tiếng đòi các quyền căn bản về tự do, lên tiếng để bảo vệ đất nước chống nạn ngại xâm. . Các cháu đó, Uyên và Kha, bị bắt nhốt, và lãnh án tù tội nhiều năm.
Hai sự kiện đó khiến người cựu sinh viên bừng tỉnh. Các cháu đó đang tuổi thanh xuân, tương lai còn nhiều, sao họ dám lên tiếng. Còn mình, tuổi đã xế bóng, sao còn sợ này sợ kia mà câm miệng.
Bài viết này không nhằm cá nhân, hội đoàn nào cả. Chỉ là suy nghĩ vẩn vơ thôi.
Les Classes CVA 57-60 et les Empreintes de l’Histoire du VNCH.
Auteurs : Tran Mong Lam
Ha Duc Long
( Préface : Les hasards de la vie créent des coïncidences inextricables. Ces coïncidences mises en équation de façon cohérente peuvent constituer les repères sculpturales dans notre arbre de vie.
L’histoire du VietNam , plus particulièrement celle de VNCH laissent des empreintes indélébiles à toutes les générations dont une beaucoup plus marquée , appelée Classes CVA 57-60…
Les lecteurs de cet article remarqueront que nous utilisons le nom original en vietnamien VNCH pour appeler notre pays. Ce nom s’éternise dans notre cœur et notre vie. Nous ne voulons même pas la traduction française qu’est République du Viet Nam .
Dans les sentiments de tous les vietnamiens de notre génération , ce noble nom VNCH était massacré avec la complicité de plusieurs circonstances malencontreuses .
Mais ce pays n’est pas mort dans nous …Il revivra et reviendra à notre grand pays entier de Nam-Quan à Pic Ca-Mau avec tous les territoires et des Iles lointaines..
Ce sont tous nos héritages que nous devons défendre et protéger…..)
Voici les empreintes de VNCH sur les Classes CVA 57-60 . Suivons le cours …
Nous faisons partie de ces Classes !…. Pourquoi 57– 60 ?
57 signifie l’abréviation 1957 l’année où , nous les élèves de cette classe commencent la classe seconde du Lycée Chu Van An . Nous terminons nos études Secondaires avec le Diplôme Baccalauréat complet ( I et II) en 1959 ou 1960 .
L’année 1957 se présente comme une année de passage de l’adolescence à la jeunesse. C’est la plus Belle Epoque de notre vie.
Ces Classes CVA 57-60 représentent une génération qui témoignait des évènement historiques et des épreuves douloureuses qu’avait rencontré notre patrie.
Les Classes CVA 57-60 signifie :
- La naissance entre 1939 à 1943
- A l’enfance , la seconde guerre mondiale
- Le chamboulement de la guerre décolonisation
- La famine au Nord du Viet Nam , conséquence de l’occupation japonaise.
- Le partage du pays en 1954.
Au début , la guerre de décolonisation française (1948) s’était achevée par la Bataille de Dien Bien Phu en Mai 1954.
Le pays retrouve l’indépendance.
Les Classes CVA57-60, se trouvent en pleine âge d’enfance et d’adolescence , la plus belle.
L’histoire du Monde ne se déroule pas comme le souhait des peuples directement concernés.
La victoire militaire , qui aurait dû être offerte au peuple vietnamien qui payait les prix très chers dans cette guerre , été volée.
Les partis communistes de l’URSS,CHINE , VIETNAM sont venus au secours de la victoire pour dépouiller les dividendes au détriment du peuple concerné, le peuple vietnamien.
A ce jour, qui ose dire que les vietnamiens subis tant de sacrifices voire la mort pour cette guerre sont tous des communistes.
Grâce au support Sino-Russe d’une part , la faiblesse du Monde libre causée par la défaite française d’autre part, les accords de Genève 1954 arrivent à découper le pays en deux parties : le Nord , communiste ou obligé –communiste et le Sud non Communiste.
Les non-communistes , les nationalistes, les patriotes Vietnamiens ayant subi de volte face des communistes pendant la guerre , sont obligés de se déplacer vers le Sud pour éviter des purges très sanguinaires s’ils restent au Nord.
Ce qui créait le premier exode des Vietnamiens du Nord vers le Sud.
Le grand drame de l’histoire du peuple vietnamien : un pays mais deux nations .
Le Nord , la constitution nationale fixée sur le socle du doctrine communiste .
Le Sud , jeune nation , était tout de même un pays libre , multi partie.
Une période accalmie entre 1955 – 1963 permet notre génération vivant bien des moments heureux a terminé l’étude secondaire .
Le sigle CVA 57-60 porte la signification qu’il commence la classe de Seconde en 1957 et réussit le Baccalauréat complet en 1959 (exceptionnel) ou 1960.
Viennent ensuite le Communisme et la Guerre de subversion.
L’Histoire du groupe reflète l’image dramatique du pays par une guerre la plus injuste la plus cruelle dont les auteurs sont les plus fanatiques d’une doctrine monstrueuse pour l’histoire de l’humanité du 20è siècle.
Le Nord , ne lâchant pas la doctrine d’ écraser le Sud pour s’en emparer, commençait la première phase que sont la grande campagne d’assassinat et les opérations militaires ayant pour objectif d’infiltration.
La suite vient les opérations de sabotage, celles de destruction portant sur tous les cibles d’économie, politique, société ….
La moralité, la vérité ont été bafouées par la propagande qui profite de la liberté d’opinion et la faiblesse du monde libre.
Tout le bloc communiste : l’ URSS, Chine et les satellites ont soutenu et aidé militairement le Nord pas pour l’amour envers du peuple vietnamien mais pour casser la stratégie anti –communiste américain. Une coïncidence de la géopolitique.
La jeune nation VNCH n’a aucun moyen pour survivre autre que celui qui l’amène à s’amarrer aux Etat Unis .
Les troubles politiques, celles venant de la religion Bouddhiste , la trahison de certains généraux de l’armée sud vietnamienne étaient menées tant par la maladroite CIA que habilement par le côté communiste,.
L’ensemble de ces situations a enfoncé le VNCH à l’ abîme jusqu’à l’usure, l’épuisement politique,’économique, militaire, sociale , familiale .. comme un corps humain subi pendant des années la gangrène et maintenant foudroyé par une hémorragie aigue...
Début de l’année 1975, dans l’espace de quelques mois, le pays était à genou !
Cette défaite militaire fait le cliché d’un destin tragique de la nation VNCH.
C’est la fin d’un chemin semé de trahison, de lâcheté , de l’abandon même par le côté d’amis.
Une défaite militaire est éternellement honteuse.
La capitulation et humiliation marchent au pair. Viennent ensuite les conséquences les plus cruelles.
On a beau à rappeler que pendant dix ans de guerre il y avait d’innombrables actes de bravoure , d’héroïsme , de patriotisme … Tout s’efface . Le nombre des martyrs ne se comptent plus.
La vie du côté déposé les armes n’a plus de valeur, aucune.
Voilà, encore une fois , l’humanité de ce monde tombe sur sa tête, elle découvre dans un ciel serein la tonnerre et la foudre : le Mal l’emporte sur le Bien ; il détruit la vie d’un peuple.
Qui peut dire que de quelle crime ce peuple a commis ?
Dans la société vietnamienne à l’époque, les Classes CVA57-60 considérées de façon évidente comme des classes des gens cultivés. Alors, l’appel de la patrie, l’appel du devoirs , beaucoup des Membres se sont engagés volontairement à diverses Académies Militaires .
Ils ont payé de lourds tributs, dans les corps élites de l’Armée VNCH pendant le temps de guerre.
Maintenant , l’ordre de déposer les armes vient du Haut.
Capitulation sans conditions ! Plus de temps pour réagir.
Malheur aux vaincus.
Les vainqueurs fanatisés par une doctrine communiste ferment le pays par une chape de plomb , font régner l’ordre : une purge totale à n’importe quel prix sur l’ensemble de territoire du Sud.
L’arrestation de masse, arbitraire et jamais avoir de procès. Tortures, humiliations, exécutions.
Un seul motif suffit : Être ancien officier, soldat, cadre, intellectuel de VNCH. Ces malheureuses personnes devaient connaître l’enfer dans les prisons.
Leurs familles cassées, détruites . Leurs biens confisqués. Leurs enfants chassés d’école et d’ université, sans travail, sans emplois, sans aides… et tant pis.
Beaucoup ont été poussés vers une mort lente dans les camps appelés camp de rééducation, ou d’autres camps appelés zones nouvelle économie.
Pillage générale .
Des équipements, des infrastructures, des biens matériels ont été transportés vers le Nord.
L’opinion mondiale , ayant fait l’erreur historique par sa sensibilité , ayant été trompée par la propagande du bloc communiste , se résigne dans la lâcheté , tête baissée , donne encore le plein pouvoir au fanatisme de continuer impunément le même chemin : martyriser la moitié du peuple vietnamien au poteau des drapeaux de l’URSS et la CHINE.
Les cris et les larmes ne suffisent plus pour rafraîchir le chemin de croix de tout un peuple.
Les Classes CVA57-60 , sans exception, étaient touchée en plein fouet, mais résistent . Elles résistent silencieusement.
Les Membres de ces Classes décident à quitter le pays, clandestinement à tout prix.
La liberté leur est la seule source de vie.
Ils cherchent à récupérer la valeur de l’homme en gardant l’intact sentiment pour la patrie.
Alors, le mot d’ordre : tout abandonner pour partir ! Il faut partir.
Dans cette fuite courageuse, certains ont perdu leur vie en défiant l’océan avec des bateaux de fortune, d’autres tués par les pirates de mer…..
C’est un prix de douleur ,de larmes et de tout, pour avoir une terre d’accueil où ils reconstruiront leur vie.
L’histoire de notre pays ne connaît jamais une telle période si triste si dramatique.
L’océan , la faim, le danger, la mort ne les découragent pas.
Au bout d’une dizaine années , la plupart des membres de ces Classes ont atterri en Australie, en Europe, aux Etats Unis ou d’autres pays occidentaux.
Ils conservent dans leur cœur des douleurs, des souvenirs, des drames.
Ils conservent également l’image du pays , le patriotisme pour tout le peuple Viet dont ils sont issus.
Le temps adoucit des blessures morales et physiques mais ne fait oublier des rancoeurs , des haines à l’encontre des responsables du désastre .
Ils croient fermement que la patrie s’enfonce davantage dans dans le chaos à cause des ambitions non -cachées de l’ennemi héréditaire : la CHINE.
Dès lors , les Membres ( les Anciens CVA57-60) s’éparpillent comme une galaxie d’étoiles à travers des tous les coins du monde .
Du pays natal jusqu’à l’Amérique en passant par L’Australie et l’Europe.
Motivés d’une énergie de survivre , de leur culture , de leur connaissance , de leurs expériences acquises à travers des épreuves du destin , ils deviennent une grande force vive pour l’économie du pays d’accueil.
Les chiffres et les statistiques ont montré que la productivité individuelle de chaque Membre est de l’ordre de 25 fois supérieur à un compatriote dans notre pays natal.
Presque tous ont repris les études universitaires ou celles de métier …à l’âge entre 35 à 40 ans.
Tous ont réussi leur vie , la nouvelle. Une intégration parfaite à la vie locale.
A ce jour, ils portent la nationalité du pays d’accueil dont ils ont servi avec leur âme du développement économique et social.
Dans ces Classes , on trouve diverses catégories sociales : Médecins, Ingénieurs, Techniciens , d Professeurs, Scientifiques Haut Niveau, de Présidents des Sociétés….
Toutes marquent aussi une réussite pour leur deuxième génération.
Et les Membres de ces Classes : NOUS !
Chacun de nous a suivi la trace du destin pour arriver au point où nous sommes. Malgré la dispersion et la séparation, nous tous arrivons à nous réunir sous un Toit virtuel que nous avons d’habitude nous communiquer ensemble sous l’égide du Groupe CVA 57-60.
Aujourd’hui , les membres des Classes CVA57-60, ont passé déjà le cap de soixante dix, se réunissent à travers des moyens de l’Internet pour former un Groupe avec un noyau très actif.
LA REUNION TRIENNALE ET MONDIALE des Anciens CVA de toutes les promotions à Houston/ Texas en Octobre 2013 présente une excellente opportunité pour la parution de
C’est un œuvre littéraire, auquel nombreux Membres ont participé avec une motivation touchante.
On y trouve des narrations, des souvenirs , des anciennes photos, des réflexions, ..pensées.. à divers sujets.
Tous ces écrits ont un seul but c’est de commémorer les tranches de vies dans la jeunesse vécue des Membres , et un jour ….
Que nos enfants, nos descendants puissent lire ces pages.
Certains qu’ils en seront fiers .
Classes CVA57-60 and Footprints of the History of VNCH
Authors: Tran Mong Lam
Ha Duc Long
(Preface: The chances of life create intricate coincidences These coincidences equated consistently can be sculptural landmarks in our tree of life..
The history of Vietnam, especially that of VNCH leaves indelible footprints to all generations including a much sharper, called Classes CVA 57-60 ...
The word class will be heard as the school class as the definition of Modern Mathematics
(Theory Ensemble) what all the elements with
a common character.
The readers of this article will notice that we use the original name in Vietnamese VNCH to call our country. The name lingers in our heart and life. We do not even want what the French translation Republic of Viet Nam.
In the feelings of all Vietnamese in our generation, this noble name VNCH was killed with the complicity of several unfortunate circumstances.
But this country is not dead in us ... He will revive and return to our great country full of Nam Quan Peak Ca Mau with all territories and distant islands ..
They are our heritage that we must defend and protect .....)
Here are the footprints of VNCH History on Classes CVA
57-60. Follow the progress ...
We are part of these classes! .... Why 57-60?
57 abbreviation means the year 1957, we, the students of this class, began the Second Class of Chu Van An High School. We finished our Secondary studies with the full Bachelor Diploma (I and II) in 1959 or 1960.
The year 1957 will be a year of transition from adolescence to youth. This is the Belle Epoque of our lives.
These CVA Classes 57-60 represent a generation that reflected the historical event and painful trials had met our homeland.
Classes 57-60 CVA means:
- The birth between 1939-1943
- At the childhood, the II World War .
- The upheaval of decolonization war
- The famine in northern Vietnam as a result of the Japanese occupation.
- The division of the country in 1954.
At first, the war of French decolonization (1948) was ended by the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954.
The country regained independence.
Classes CVA57-60, are full of childhood and adolescence age, the most beautiful.
The history of the world does not take place as the wish of the people directly involved.
The military victory, which would have been offered to the Vietnamese people who paid the dearest price in this war, was stolen.
The Communist parties of the USSR, CHINA, VIETNAM came to the rescue of victory for strip dividends at the expense of the people concerned, the Vietnamese people.
To this day, who dares to say that the Vietnamese suffered so much sacrifice and death for this war are all communists.
With the Sino-Russian media on the one hand, the weakness of the free world caused by the French defeat other hand, the Geneva Accords in 1954 come to cut the country in two parts: Northern, communist or communist-bound and Southern for non-Communist. It ‘s an dramatic historial error for Viet Nam.
Non-communist, nationalist, Vietnamese patriots who suffered volte face Communists during the war, are forced to move south to avoid very bloody purges if they remained in the North.
This created the first exodus of Vietnamese from North to South.
The great drama of the history of the Vietnamese people, one country, but two nations.
The North, the national constitution attached to the base of the Communist doctrine.
Southern young nation was still a free country, multi party.
A lull period between 1955 - 1963 allows our generation living many happy moments has completed secondary study.
The acronym CVA 57-60 carries the meaning it starts second class in 1957 and successfully the complete Bachelor in 1959 (exceptional) or in 1960.
Followed by Communism and the War of subversion.
History of the group reflects the dramatic image of the country by the cruelest most unjust war whose authors are the most fanatical of a monstrous doctrine for the history of the 20th century.
The North, not releasing the doctrine to crush the South to seize, began the first phase that are large campaign of assassination and military operations with undercover goal.
Following is sabotage operations, those of destruction on all economical, politics, society targets ....
Morality, truth were violated by the propaganda advantage upon the opinion freedom and the Free World weakness
All the communist bloc: the USSR, China and satellites have supported and helped militarily the North not for the love to the Vietnamese people but to break the U.S. anti-communist strategy. Coincidence of geopolitics.
The young nation VNCH has no way to survive other than that which leads to moor the U.S.A
Political unrest, those from the Buddhist religion, the betrayal of some generals of the South Vietnamese army were conducted by both the awkward CIA and by the skillfully Communist side.
All of these situations downed the VNCH to the abyss to the global wear, the political exhaustion, the economic, military, social, family total.. like a human body for years suffered gangrene and now stricken by acute hemorrhage ...
Early 1975, in the space of a few months, the country was knee!
The military defeat is the picture of a tragic destiny of the nation VNCH.
This is the end of a road strewn with treason, cowardice, abandonment even by the side of friends.
A military defeat is forever ashamed.
Capitulation and humiliation walk always together. Followed by the most cruel consequences.
It was nice to remember that ten years of war, there were countless acts of bravery, heroism, patriotism ... All fades. The number of martyrs now can not be counted.
Life of the laid-down–their-arms side has no value, none.
Here, again, the humanity of the world falls on his head, it discovers in a serene sky the thunder and lightning: Evil outweighs the Good, it destroyed life of people of a nation.
Who can say what crime these people committed?
In Vietnamese society at that time, CVA57-60 Classes considered so obviously as educated people classes. So, the voice of the motherland, the call of duty, many Members have volunteered for various Military Academies.
They have paid heavy tribute in the Elite VNCH army Corps during the wartime.
Now, the order to disarm came from the Top.
Unconditional Surrender! No time to react.
Woe to the looser.
The winners with a fanatical communist doctrine closed the country by a leaden cope , kept order: make a total purge with any price on the entire territory of the South.
The mass arrests, arbitrary and never have a trial. Tortures, humiliations, killings.
For just one reason,it’s enough : former officer, soldier, staff, VNCH intellectual classes . These unfortunate people had to know hell in prison.
Their families had to be broken , destroyed. Their own property to be confiscated. Their childrento be expelled from schools and colleges,universities, no work, no job, no support ... and it doesn’t matter.
Many have been driven to a slow death in the camps called reeducation camp or other camps called new economy areas.
General looting.
Equipment, infrastructure, property, were transported to the North.
World opinion, having made the historic mistake by its sensitivity, having been deceived by the propaganda of the Communist bloc, resigned in cowardice, head down, yet gives full power to the fanaticism of impunity to continue the same way: to martyr half of the Vietnamese people at the USSR and CHINA flags post
The screams and tears are not enough to cool the path crosses of an entire nation.
Classes CVA57-60, without exception, were hit in full force, but resisted . They kept resistance silently.
Members of these classes decided to leave the country, secretly at any price.
The Freedom is their only source of life.
They seek to recover the man value and keeping intact sense to the loved country.
So the slogan: give up everything to go! We must go.
In this brave escape, some have lost their lives in the defiance of the ocean with makeshift boats, others killed by the pirates.....
It is a price of pain, tears and all, to have a home ground where they rebuild their lives.
The history of our country never known a such a period so sad so dramatic.
The ocean, hunger, danger, death does not discourage them.
After ten years, most of the members of these classes have landed in Australia, Europe, the United States or other Western countries.
They retain in their heart pains, memories, dramas.
They also keep the image of the homeland country, patriotism for all Viet people from which they came.
Time softens the moral and physical injuries but never let to forget resentment, hatred against those responsible for the disaster.
They firmly believe that the country is sinking furtherly into the chaos due to no-hidden ambitions of hereditary enemy : CHINA.
Therefore, Members (Veterans CVA57-60) scatter as a galaxy of stars through all corners of the world.
Frm the homeland to America through Australia and Europe.
Motivated by an energy to survive, by their culture, their knowledge, their experiences through trials of fate, they become a great living force for the economy of the host nation.
The figures and statistics have shown that the individual productivity of each member is about 25 times higher than a fellow in our homeland.
Almost have gone back to University or leanrt a carreer study ... at the age going between 35 to 40 years.
All have succeeded in life, the new one. A perfect integration into local life.
To- day, they have the new citizenship of the host country to which they have served with the soul to the economic and social development.
In these Classes, there are various social categories: Doctors, Engineers, Technicians, Teachers , High Level Scientific , Presidents of Companies ....
All also marked a success for their second generation.
And Members of the Classes: WE!
Each of us has tracked the fate to get to the point where we are. Despite the dispersion and separation, we all get to come together under one virtual roof we usually call us together under the CVA group 57-60.
Today, members of the Classes CVA57-60, have already passed the seventy, meet one another through the Internet facility to form a group with an active nucleus.
THE THREE-YEAR WORLDWIDE MEETING OF CVA Veterans for all promotions in Houston / Texas in October 2013 provides an excellent opportunity for the publication of KY-YEU3.
It is a literary work to which many Members have participated with touching motivation.
There are narratives, memories, old photos, reflections, thoughts .. .. various topics.
All these works have one unique goal which is to commemorate the slices of life in youth they have lived , and one day ....
Our children, our descendants can read these pages.
Certainly, they will be proud of.
August 2013.
We are part of these classes! .... Why 57-60?
57 abbreviation means the year 1957, we, the students of this class, began the Second Class of Chu Van An High School. We finished our Secondary studies with the full Bachelor Diploma (I and II) in 1959 or 1960.
The year 1957 will be a year of transition from adolescence to youth. This is the Belle Epoque of our lives.
These CVA Classes 57-60 represent a generation that reflected the historical event and painful trials had met our homeland.
Classes 57-60 CVA means:
- The birth between 1939-1943
- At the childhood, the II World War .
- The upheaval of decolonization war
- The famine in northern Vietnam as a result of the Japanese occupation.
- The division of the country in 1954.
At first, the war of French decolonization (1948) was ended by the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954.
The country regained independence.
Classes CVA57-60, are full of childhood and adolescence age, the most beautiful.
The history of the world does not take place as the wish of the people directly involved.
The military victory, which would have been offered to the Vietnamese people who paid the dearest price in this war, was stolen.
The Communist parties of the USSR, CHINA, VIETNAM came to the rescue of victory for strip dividends at the expense of the people concerned, the Vietnamese people.
To this day, who dares to say that the Vietnamese suffered so much sacrifice and death for this war are all communists.
With the Sino-Russian media on the one hand, the weakness of the free world caused by the French defeat other hand, the Geneva Accords in 1954 come to cut the country in two parts: Northern, communist or communist-bound and Southern for non-Communist. It ‘s an dramatic historial error for Viet Nam.
Non-communist, nationalist, Vietnamese patriots who suffered volte face Communists during the war, are forced to move south to avoid very bloody purges if they remained in the North.
This created the first exodus of Vietnamese from North to South.
The great drama of the history of the Vietnamese people, one country, but two nations.
The North, the national constitution attached to the base of the Communist doctrine.
Southern young nation was still a free country, multi party.
A lull period between 1955 - 1963 allows our generation living many happy moments has completed secondary study.
The acronym CVA 57-60 carries the meaning it starts second class in 1957 and successfully the complete Bachelor in 1959 (exceptional) or in 1960.
Followed by Communism and the War of subversion.
History of the group reflects the dramatic image of the country by the cruelest most unjust war whose authors are the most fanatical of a monstrous doctrine for the history of the 20th century.
The North, not releasing the doctrine to crush the South to seize, began the first phase that are large campaign of assassination and military operations with undercover goal.
Following is sabotage operations, those of destruction on all economical, politics, society targets ....
Morality, truth were violated by the propaganda advantage upon the opinion freedom and the Free World weakness
All the communist bloc: the USSR, China and satellites have supported and helped militarily the North not for the love to the Vietnamese people but to break the U.S. anti-communist strategy. Coincidence of geopolitics.
The young nation VNCH has no way to survive other than that which leads to moor the U.S.A
Political unrest, those from the Buddhist religion, the betrayal of some generals of the South Vietnamese army were conducted by both the awkward CIA and by the skillfully Communist side.
All of these situations downed the VNCH to the abyss to the global wear, the political exhaustion, the economic, military, social, family total.. like a human body for years suffered gangrene and now stricken by acute hemorrhage ...
Early 1975, in the space of a few months, the country was knee!
The military defeat is the picture of a tragic destiny of the nation VNCH.
This is the end of a road strewn with treason, cowardice, abandonment even by the side of friends.
A military defeat is forever ashamed.
Capitulation and humiliation walk always together. Followed by the most cruel consequences.
It was nice to remember that ten years of war, there were countless acts of bravery, heroism, patriotism ... All fades. The number of martyrs now can not be counted.
Life of the laid-down–their-arms side has no value, none.
Here, again, the humanity of the world falls on his head, it discovers in a serene sky the thunder and lightning: Evil outweighs the Good, it destroyed life of people of a nation.
Who can say what crime these people committed?
In Vietnamese society at that time, CVA57-60 Classes considered so obviously as educated people classes. So, the voice of the motherland, the call of duty, many Members have volunteered for various Military Academies.
They have paid heavy tribute in the Elite VNCH army Corps during the wartime.
Now, the order to disarm came from the Top.
Unconditional Surrender! No time to react.
Woe to the looser.
The winners with a fanatical communist doctrine closed the country by a leaden cope , kept order: make a total purge with any price on the entire territory of the South.
The mass arrests, arbitrary and never have a trial. Tortures, humiliations, killings.
For just one reason,it’s enough : former officer, soldier, staff, VNCH intellectual classes . These unfortunate people had to know hell in prison.
Their families had to be broken , destroyed. Their own property to be confiscated. Their childrento be expelled from schools and colleges,universities, no work, no job, no support ... and it doesn’t matter.
Many have been driven to a slow death in the camps called reeducation camp or other camps called new economy areas.
General looting.
Equipment, infrastructure, property, were transported to the North.
World opinion, having made the historic mistake by its sensitivity, having been deceived by the propaganda of the Communist bloc, resigned in cowardice, head down, yet gives full power to the fanaticism of impunity to continue the same way: to martyr half of the Vietnamese people at the USSR and CHINA flags post
The screams and tears are not enough to cool the path crosses of an entire nation.
Classes CVA57-60, without exception, were hit in full force, but resisted . They kept resistance silently.
Members of these classes decided to leave the country, secretly at any price.
The Freedom is their only source of life.
They seek to recover the man value and keeping intact sense to the loved country.
So the slogan: give up everything to go! We must go.
In this brave escape, some have lost their lives in the defiance of the ocean with makeshift boats, others killed by the pirates.....
It is a price of pain, tears and all, to have a home ground where they rebuild their lives.
The history of our country never known a such a period so sad so dramatic.
The ocean, hunger, danger, death does not discourage them.
After ten years, most of the members of these classes have landed in Australia, Europe, the United States or other Western countries.
They retain in their heart pains, memories, dramas.
They also keep the image of the homeland country, patriotism for all Viet people from which they came.
Time softens the moral and physical injuries but never let to forget resentment, hatred against those responsible for the disaster.
They firmly believe that the country is sinking furtherly into the chaos due to no-hidden ambitions of hereditary enemy : CHINA.
Therefore, Members (Veterans CVA57-60) scatter as a galaxy of stars through all corners of the world.
Frm the homeland to America through Australia and Europe.
Motivated by an energy to survive, by their culture, their knowledge, their experiences through trials of fate, they become a great living force for the economy of the host nation.
The figures and statistics have shown that the individual productivity of each member is about 25 times higher than a fellow in our homeland.
Almost have gone back to University or leanrt a carreer study ... at the age going between 35 to 40 years.
All have succeeded in life, the new one. A perfect integration into local life.
To- day, they have the new citizenship of the host country to which they have served with the soul to the economic and social development.
In these Classes, there are various social categories: Doctors, Engineers, Technicians, Teachers , High Level Scientific , Presidents of Companies ....
All also marked a success for their second generation.
And Members of the Classes: WE!
Each of us has tracked the fate to get to the point where we are. Despite the dispersion and separation, we all get to come together under one virtual roof we usually call us together under the CVA group 57-60.
Today, members of the Classes CVA57-60, have already passed the seventy, meet one another through the Internet facility to form a group with an active nucleus.
THE THREE-YEAR WORLDWIDE MEETING OF CVA Veterans for all promotions in Houston / Texas in October 2013 provides an excellent opportunity for the publication of KY-YEU3.
It is a literary work to which many Members have participated with touching motivation.
There are narratives, memories, old photos, reflections, thoughts .. .. various topics.
All these works have one unique goal which is to commemorate the slices of life in youth they have lived , and one day ....
Our children, our descendants can read these pages.
Certainly, they will be proud of.
August 2013.