Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Call on Senator McCain to pressure Hanoi to release democracy activist Le Quoc Quan

Thưa Quý Vị,
Một người bị nhà cầm quyền CSVN vu khống với tội trốn thuế sắp bị đưa ra tòa vào ngày 2/10/2013.  Luật sư Lê Quốc Quân cần sự giúp đỡ của bạn để nhờ các chính giới Hoa Kỳ can thiệp cho anh.
- kêu gọi ông cùng đứng với Ls. Lê Quốc Quân và dân tộc Việt Nam ngày 2/10.

Là khuôn mặt hàng đầu trong quan hệ Việt-Mỹ, TNS McCain được Hà Nội nể phục. Ông đã có lần gặp gỡ Ls. Lê Quốc Quân và cũng đã từng lên tiếng vào năm 2007, khi Ls. Quân bị bắt. Hãy kêu gọi ông một lần nữa cùng đứng với người dân Việt Nam và lên tiếng cho Ls. Lê Quốc Quân.

Mời bạn gửi thư đã viết sẳn tại đ
Xin lưu ý, qua hệ thống danh tánh của bạn sẽ không công khai. Nếu bạn ở ngoài Hoa Kỳ, bạn ghi:

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Call on Senator McCain to pressure Hanoi to release democracy activist Le Quoc Quan
Detained since December 2012, Le Quoc Quan is one of Vietnam’s foremost human rights defenders. He has advocated for victims of government corruption, for religious freedom, and for legal reform. The Hanoi government has announced that he will be brought to trial on October 2nd.
Senator McCain met with Le Quoc Quan in Hanoi in January 2012 and spoke up when Mr. Quan was previously detained in 2007 after completing a fellowship at the National Endowment for Democracy.
As someone with a longstanding relationship with Hanoi, Sen. McCain is in a unique position to call for the release of Le Quoc Quan.
Please contact Sen. McCain’s office today.
In solidarity,
For background:
3) Sen. McCain and Le Quoc Quan (second from right) in Hanoi

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 John McCain, Senator
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Call on Senator McCain to pressure Hanoi to release democracy activist Le Quoc Quan
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Dear Senator McCain, 

One of Vietnam's great democracy activists--Le Quoc Quan--is currently in jail for his work as a human rights attorney and civil society advocate. I urge you to call on the Hanoi government to immediately release Mr. Quan. 

As you may remember, Le Quoc Quan was a fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy in 2006-2007. Within days of returning to Vietnam in March 2007, Mr. Quan was detained by the authorities simply for his involvement with NED. You publicly called for his release. Thanks to the support from you and other international leaders, the Hanoi government released Mr. Quan. 

Since then, Mr. Quan has been a tireless advocate for victims of government abuse, for religious freedom, and for legal reform. He is a prominent blogger who has candidly discussed the challenges to the country's development. You undoubtedly recognized Mr. Quan's passion for reforming Vietnam when you met him in Hanoi in January 2012. 

Since Mr. Quan arrest in December 2012, numerous Members of Congress and human rights groups have called for his freedom. The situation is even more urgent now as the Hanoi authorities will bring Mr. Quan to trial on October 2nd on completely trumped up tax evasion charges. 

As a leading figure in US-Vietnam relations, your voice is especially valuable. We hope you will tell the Vietnamese government that it's absolutely unacceptable to imprison peaceful activists such as Le Quoc Quan. It is people such as Le Quoc Quan that are the future of Vietnam. 

Thank you for your consideration.
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