Wednesday 27 February 2019

Am I Dying?! - Christopher Kelly, M D Marc Eisenberg, M D


Khi bị bệnh, cơ thể con người thường có những triệu chứng khác thường, khó chịu để báo động.

 Những triệu chứng này đôi khi làm bệnh nhân nghĩ lầm là bị bệnh nặng nhưng thực ra không có gì nguy hiểm, nhưng cũng có những triệu chứng mà bệnh nhân coi là không sao nhưng đó lại là dấu hiệu của các cơn bệnh hiểm nghèo.

Để tránh những trường hợp trên mình chuyển tới các cụ cuốn sách Am I Dying?!: A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms--and What to Do Next ̣để tham khảo và biết đúng đường trị liệu mỗi khi cảm thấy có những triệu chứng bị bệnh.
Image result for Am I Dying?!: A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms--and What to Do Next ̣
Publisher: HarperCollins; 1st edition
Publication Date: December 31, 2018 

A comprehensive, light-hearted resource for the hypochondriac in all of us, from two Columbia University doctors who review dozens of symptoms and offer advice on when to chill out, make a doctor’s appointment, or go to the hospital.

Cardiologists at Columbia University Medical Center, Christopher Kelly, MD, and Marc Eisenberg, MD, FACC, are both highly accomplished physicians and health experts. Though they treat people of all ages with diverse health concerns, the one question most patients really want to know is, “Am I dying?!”

Most new symptoms turn out to be minor. Most likely, that stuffy nose isn’t a sign of cancer. But sometimes a headache isn’t just a temporary nuisance; it could be a sign of a serious condition. None of us wants to ignore a problem that could harm our health or even cause death. Though the internet offers a wealth of data, it can also be a source of harmful misinformation. So if you have a new symptom, how worried should you be?

In Am I Dying?!, Dr. Kelly and Dr. Eisenberg walk you through the most common symptoms—from back pain, bloating, chest pain, constipation, and forgetfulness to fatigue, rashes, shortness of breath, and weakness— and provide helpful, conversational guidance on what to do. Organized in a humorous, easy-to-access format and packed with practical information and expert advice, Am I Dying?! is an essential resource every household needs. 

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